Make sure to tell your team members what you appreciate about them. Letting them know what you value usually leads to them doing more of it! - Blair Singer
Change your focus, from making money to serving more people. Serving more people makes the money come in.- Robert Kiyosaki
Financial freedom is simply having more money coming in every month in cash flow from your investments than is going out in living expenses.- Kim Kiyosaki
The right decisions come from the right focus. You’ll succeed if your focus is on the mission, not the money.- Robert Kiyosaki
"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." -- Bill Gates
There’s too much money chasing too few good investments. Once you create a good investment money will look for you.- Robert Kiyosaki
One key to real estate investing is to buy the worst property in the best neighborhood. - Sutton Law Center
Just to get u guys thinking...